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My Tripod, Rockie

cat, fibrosarcoma, amputation, hind leg, black cat

My Tripod, Rockie

Remembering Rockie

Rockie was my first pet cat. I got him in August of 2003 just before my beagle died (also from cancer). I loved the beagle so much, and when she became ill with bladder cancer I felt overwhelmed with pain. I thought another pet might offer distraction and some happiness. I knew I could not get a dog, because I feared I would project expectations and compare another dog to my beagle. My ex-boyfriend’s mother was bringing home stray kittens during this time with the goal of finding them homes. I asked her if I could choose one, and of course, she said yes. I selected a black cat with yellow eyes and a bushy tail. I wanted to call him Rockie, from Rocky and Bullwinkle, because he had a giant tail like the flying squirrel cartoon character.

Rockie was a mostly quiet cat, but when he spoke his had a high-pitched meow. It reminded us of Felix the Cat. Rockie grew to a large size. He was 18 lbs when fully grown. He used to fetch his toy mice. He used to open doors with handles. He wasn’t fond of other pets. I got him a little buddy, my cat Gizmo, at one point because I was worried Rockie was lonely. Rockie tolerated Gizmo (a high energy cat) but preferred solitude. He also lived with a white rabbit, Thumper, for many years, but he was very aversive to him as well. In fact, Thumper wanted to be friends with Rockie so much that he chased him and pulled out some of Rockie’s hind fur with his teeth in an effort stop Rockie from running away from him.

Rockie loved to eat. He could not be free fed lest he would gorge himself. He was overweight. Rockie was as black as the night. We had trouble taking pictures of him, especially if his eyes were closed. He wore a black safety collar with bells, and he had a black name tag. He was an indoor cat or a “shut-in” as mom used to say. We never allowed him outside. I didn’t want my beloved to be eaten by a coyote. He scurried away at the sound of plastic bags rustling. He didn’t bite, but he had a strong arm. He hit me a couple of times while we were playing.

Sharing all these memories brings me sadness and joy. I loved him. I love remembering him. This is why I share the blog. I want to remember the details such as his plush fur, his soft paw pads, his rolling high-pitched mew, and the missing tip of his left ear.


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This entry was posted on Friday, February 17th, 2017 at 11:24 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

5 Responses to “Remembering Rockie”

  1. Rachel
    2:43 pm on February 18th, 2017      Reply

    Laura, What a beautiful remembrance that is. I can tell that Rocky really meant alot to you and think that this is a wonderful way to honor his life and mourn his loss.

  2. benny55
    3:18 pm on February 18th, 2017      Reply

    Thank you for sharing Rocky with us. What a privilege to get to know him better! Clearly Rocky chose YOU to be his companion while here on his earth journey. It sounds like he wasn’t too interested in javeing Tumper and Gizmo tag along though! Rocky certainly had personality galore!

    I read your earlier blog expressing your grief so very well. It is a sadness that few can understand, but we do here. This part of the journey is not easy. To love so deeply is to grief deeply. The void and break in routine will seem unbearable for awhile. At some point though, you will notice that yiu didn’t cry wuite as much one day. And yiu will notice that some of the thousands of happy times you and Rocky shared will start to show up more and help push the sadness further into the background.

    Rocky could not have been more loved! He clearly was adored and spoiled and lived everyday to the fullest. That is what he wants you to know, because he sure does!

    Stay connected and continue to share more pictures (hes’s very beautiful and strikingly handsome) when you can. Do you have any kitten pictures?

    Take care of yourself, okay? Know that Rocky is still withnyiu. He will make his presence known sompay attention!

    Love and hugs

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  3. benny55
    3:28 pm on February 18th, 2017      Reply

    My apologies to Rockie for misspelling his name!

    I did make a response in the previous blog just letting you know grateful Rockie was to have such great extended time withnyou! Without a doubt, amputation was what Rockie would have wanted so he could be spoiled and loved some more!!

  4. sleek
    10:31 pm on February 18th, 2017      Reply

    Lost my Maine Coon cat Mac last summer; he was nearly 18. He was the most loving, attentive cat I’ve owned and miss him greatly. I understand your grief as you have lost a part of you. Time helps heal, along with other pets. I’m here. Ow because another cat has to have his leg removed because of cancer, tough times.


  5. Rachel
    12:57 am on February 19th, 2017      Reply

    I also misspelled… Sorry! Love you ❤

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